Blogger Widgets

Saturday, 3 August 2013

overlays x picsart x short update

herro!! greetings from the bunny hehehe x
i apologize for the lack of updates on this blog and yes i know my last blog post was like 66545646546666556666154515 billion years ago. 
i've been pretty busy i would say so yeah :(

i don't know if you guys noticed but i've deleted most of the old blog posts because;
1- some are pretty offensive to people
2- plain nonsensical
3- i sound like some immature kid 
so yeah that's the reasons why i deleted most of it (((i might delete more)))

i apologize to the people who might have been offended by my blog post(s). i really am sorry.

i'm still grateful to the people who have supported my blog and i hope my newer blog posts will be something that people can relate to. ((i hope i won't disappoint you guys))

ok sooooooooooooooooooo,
for today's post would be

there are people asking how to use overlays so i'm here to help you guys out!


first of all,
choose a picture that you wanna use!

followed by;
tap the add button and tap on 'add photo'

choose an overlay!
question is where to get overlays?
not to worry!! here are the few websites i got my overlays from!! :D

just choose any overlays that you've saved!
so when the picture is added in, there's this drop box(is that what you call it? correct me if i'm wrong) at the corner. there's where you can choose how your overlays will look!

here are the ones most people will actually use;




 (((yes, my boyfriend is a cat HAHAHAHAHA))
i hope this blog post helps and have fun playing around with overlays!!

my bunnies and kitties ((becuz i haz a cat boyfriend hehehe)) xx